Friday, November 7, 2014

Month Two

Two short/long months with you! I can't believe how different you are every single day and how different you have made me.

Here's a recap of month two:

You now love the swaddle (actually you hate it still but sleep very well once you accept what you cannot change)!

You lick all the things! Hands taste the best apparently!

You're sleeping 6 hours straight, which is heavenly! But your naps aren't as awesome. Not quite hellish though. Purgatory, perhaps?

You laugh at Jesus any time you get a glimpse of him on the cross. Daddy calls you a little mystic. One more reason you will never date: you already love Jesus! 

You got baptized! Nough said!

Your desire to sit up and/or face outward at all times is the funniest thing. I love watching you take everything in with your gorgeous blue eyes. 

Mommy put all your newborn clothes away... It's pretty sad. But at the same time, I'm loving all the new outfits she gets to wear! 

When I asked daddy what else you learned this month he called your name, you laid there unphased, and he said, "well she didn't learn what her name is..." Ha.ha.ha.

You were diagnosed with some intense reflux. But with the help of some meds we officially have you sleeping flat on your back now! Thank you Dr. G!

You love to unknowingly bat at toys hanging in front of your face. Sometimes you even hold them. Again, unknowingly. However, Sophie the Giraffe is your unofficial BFF. Her squeaks make you laugh almost as much as Jesus. 

You celebrated your first Halloween by going to daddy's school dressed as sully and getting chipotle for dinner dressed as a burrito. Well done!

You had some gnarly body rashes but with some diet changes by mommy it cleared up and now we just make sure your skin stays extra moist with  the help of coconut oil. (Which makes me want to constantly sniff you...)

Annnnd here are your 2 month stats:
Weight: 13lbs 3oz! Yep, that's the 95th percentile, my dear chubster. I can only imagine what you'd weigh if you didn't have reflux! 

Height: 23in. 75th percentile. It's safe to say your dreams of being a ballerina are shattered. Sorry not sorry.

Head size: 50th percentile. At least one thing about you is average! But really, who cares about being normal anyway?!

You got your first set of shots and cried right along your oh so (not) brave mama. 

In other news: 
I love you. More and more each day. You've changed me and grown me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Thank you. Thank you so so much. That's all I can muster to say in prayer each day. Thank you. And thank God! Amen. 

A few of my favorite photos:

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