Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dreams Eventually Come True

Ever since Frankie, Cana and I took our lovely trip to AZ right after Christmas, I've been longing for a house. I guess staying with my parents for a week in a home big enough to put Cana to bed and not have to whisper when in the living room did me in. Not to mention, our humble apartment is on the third floor, Cana is starting to get more mobile and is running into tables and couches constantly, and we don't have any sort of yard to enjoy the (few) nice and sunny days in. 

However, because buying a house isn't yet in the cards for us, I've been spending my days looking at homes for sale in the areas I'd love to raise a family in. And in turn, I've been day dreaming about what the future of our family might look like. 

(Frankie putting a BBQ together between the wall and out dining room table because, where else?)

Now of course, God has His own plan for our future, and maybe this has nothing to do with His plan, but when I think of our little family five or ten years down the road this is what I see:

-A modest house just outside the city limits, big enough to house all our kiddos (so like five bedrooms with a bunch of bunk beds in them ;)).

-A huge yard where we can watch the kids play from the front porch. In a rocking chair. With sweet tea in hand. (Ok maybe I need to move south.... Lol)

-Our kids are cloth diapered (until potty trained, not forever lol).

-I'd love to make most of the clothes our kids wear, but I kinda suck at sewing so I'll settle for secondhand. 

-We don't own any battery operated toys that light up and make noise. I'd like that now, actually.

-We homeschool all of our kids with a great Catholic Classical curriculum and have tons of friends who do the same that we can go on field trips with. 

-There's a little farmers market down the road.

-The Pioneer Woman and I are best friends and I can cook like her without being super fat. ;)

-There's a 24 hour adoration chapel within walking distance (yes, out in the country!)

-The center of our home is a big open kitchen with a island in the middle.

-Our furniture matches. 

-And last but not least, we are happy, healthy and madly in love with being together! 

Like I said, maybe (probably) this isn't what God desires for us. And I sound so little house on the prairie! But maybe we'll live in the center of the city, send our kids to public schools, and our couches never match each other. It'll still be a great life. Because honestly, how could life with my amazing husband and daughter not be?! 

Here's to dreaming, though. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This Cross

Last night, I stood in our kitchen, before putting Cana to bed, and prayed over my husband. He prayed over me and together we laid our hands in our squirming girl and asked God to bless her sleep. 

Frankie was finishing dishes. Cana was starving. And I was ready to relax. But we made time. Everything stopped for a minute so we could pray together as a family. Ideally, we would sit in a space designated for prayer, all distractions would be gone, and it would last more than a few minutes. But last night, that sole minute of quick prayer in the kitchen before bed was enough. It is exactly what our family needed. 

Since we got married, we've strived to incorporate praying together into our daily life. Honestly though, we've failed quite often. But we aren't prefect, so it's ok. As long as we continuously try, right? And that's the beauty of Lent. 

Lent gives us a chance to restart. To change. To convert. To pick up our cross, again, continue walking toward Christ. Just as Christ calls us to do in today's Gospel reading (Luke 9:22-25). 

I'm so glad I've been graced with a husband who is always there to help me carry my cross. When I fall, he helps me up. When I stray, he points me in the right direction. Our family is better because of him and his unending desire for Heaven. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Month Five

Five months feels too old. I think every day this month I looked at you and thought, "where is my baby?" Despite not gaining that much weight this month, you're growing up so fast and it needs to stop. Now.

Here's the low down on month five:

You learned to sit unassisted the day after you turned four month old. And you've gotten so steady at it! You know how to balance, pick up toys and turn from side to side all while sitting!

You can pretty much roll over. You still get stuck sometimes but if you're determined, you'll figure out how to get that arm untucked! Back to belly is the easiest for you, but you've rolled from belly to back as well.

You suck at sleep. Still. I'm praying for the day I type that you sleep on your own, through the night. But until then, I'll enjoy the snuggles. 

You've started showing interest in pulling yourself up to stand. You're still too weak, but I know you'll get it soon.

You love being naked and hate getting dresses. You little nudist.

You know how to put your paci in your mouth correctly. 

We've started you back on reflux meds and I've totally cut out dairy. Hopefully that helps you feel better!

You laugh at fart sounds. Your father is proud.

You love taking baths in the big tub! You're so good in the water, you might be like your uncles and be a champ swimmer one day!

You coo and "talk" to things. Especially your hands as they wave in front of you. It's precious.

Your hand-eye coordination is spot on. You grab all the stuff in the world and inspect it oh so carefully before deciding if it will taste good. It usually always does.

You love being scared. When I surprise you by yelling "boo" you laugh your butt off after getting over the shock.

You love water bottles and cups. They're the best chew toys.

You take bottles sitting up in your high chair. And if the milk cools down even a little while drinking, you spit it out and won't continue until I reheat it. Picky...

You love your excersaucer and get seriously excited when you remember you can bounce in it. 

You fling yourself out of your bumbo. But your thighs still get stuck in it so you don't fully fall out. 

We had to retire your rock n play, swing, bouncer and bumbo be a use you can roll yourself over in them while you sleep. 

You've officially lived in two different years. Congrats and here's to many more!

You've just barely started napping in your car seat, because you refuse to fall asleep alone or in my arms. The car seat is the only way you will sleep without an hour of crying first... Thanks.

You officially survived your first football season! You were born on opening day and watched every Sunday until the Super Bowl.

We've been going to daily Mass and all the little old ladies love you! You're so good and LOVE the bells during consecration. 

We went to the ER for the first time with you and it was not fun. But I'm thanking God you're ok. 

You weigh 18 lbs 12 oz. this is the first time you haven't gained a pound or three since being born. I hope that means you're slowing down!

You're 26 inches long. All leg rolls.

A few of my favorite photos: