I shouldn't complain and this isn't a woe is me blog post, trust me! Honestly, Cana has made me a very happy mama lately because she is finally sleeping through the night! She goes to bed at 8pm, wakes at 2 to eat and sleeps again until about 5:30-6:30! I have no complaints!
Although I have a champion night sleeper, my daytime sleeper has become a big fat loser! We e been doing babywise for the last month or so, with an 8am wake up time. It went great for the first few weeks, but since Cana's started sleeping longer at night, she's moved her wake up time to 6am instead of 8... Not that fun, but I can handle it. What I struggle with is that her naps have been a major struggle lately!
Naps have become short and she requires me to rock her to sleep for like a half hour before I can put her down. When her nap is barely an hour, that gives me very little time to do anything...
So... Today I tried what all the internet moms forbid: cry it out. Dun dun duuuuuun....
Cry it out is what it sounds like, you let your baby cry instead of rushing in to comfort them. There are many (strong and insane) opinions about it but there are also many different methods. I decided to put Cana to sleep like normal (swaddled and rocked to sleep) but when she stirred and woke up, I would just pat her belly and try to calm her without picking her up. Once she calmed I would leave the room with her still awake and not go back in for 3 minutes if she cried again.
Well, I gave it the good ole college try but eventually caved after about five minutes. And now my spoiled girl is asleep in my arms... Ha.ha.
Internet mom opinions and my lack of bravery aside, I think we will eventually have to put this method to use. But for now, I'll rock my girl like a wagon wheel (whatever that means) and dream of the day she will sleep on her own. And when that day comes, I'll dramatically miss these days of rocking her to sleep.
Thus is mom life.
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