Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Coffee Table Contents

The other day I thought about getting rid of our coffee table to make more room for Cana to play on the floor. However, I quickly realized how much stuff our little table holds (not coffee). 

So here is a glimpse of all of the incredibly important stuff contained on our coffee table!

-Vaseline (correction: petroleum jelly. We can't afford brand names) for Cana's insanely dry facial skin.
-Sophie the Giraffe! Cana's favorite licking apparatus.
-Video monitor for baby spying.
-20% off Babies R Us coupon (that won't be used. Because Target has it all for way less moola).
-Coasters. Who uses these? Answer: fancy people. AKA: not the Xaviers! 
-NFP how to book. Nine months of no charting makes you forget the three months of classes you took to learn the stuff. Maybe we need a refresher course...
-Bible and journal, belonging to my spouse. I love coming out each morning and seeing them in a new spot on the table. 
-Baby Chapstick that this baby-mama uses. It's like magic on your lips! Must purchase more.
-Not one. Not two. But THREE pacifiers. Seriously, they're all needed.
-Annnnnd dust. Lots of dust. Thanks, black ikea table...

Clearly, the coffee table isn't going anywhere any time soon. It houses far too much important stuff. I don't think we'd survive without it. 

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