Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Month 7

Seven months! I must say, I think this month has been my favorite so far! You've learned so much and are really developing quite a rockin personality! Granted, I'm sure next month will surpass this one as you grow even more. That's how life works!

Here's some great things from month seven:

-You learned to crawl! It's adorable because you crawl on your hands and feet (not knees) with your little bum in the air. You're getting pretty fast, especially when you spot a flip flop or phone cord!

-Sleep!!!! For once, I can finally say, you're an amazing sleeper! Woohooo! We did sleep training right after you turned six months old and after one hard night, you got the hint! You've been sleeping all night in your own crib with no crying for a month now and we are all happier because of it! You still wake up to eat once or twice (thrice on occasion...) and you've started waking up around 6am instead of your normal 7am start, but I'll deal with it for now. Now we just have to work on naps... Those still happen in the car seat.

-You can pull yourself up on to things now. Especially your crib... When you conquered that skill, your sleep suffered a bit, but you're back on track now. You love standing and can balance with one finger holding you up! 

-You can go from sitting, to crawling, to sitting and then to standing. You're officially in full motion!

-You got your second tooth! Just a week or so after your first. You've got the cutest smile!

-We started solid foods! Since you're allergic to dairy, we decided to go slow with introducing new foods and I'm glad we did! We've discovered you're allergic to ascorbic acid so store bought baby foods are a no go. But that's ok since we hope to transition you to solid solids soon (not purées). You LOVE sweet potatoes and oddly peas... Ew. But you have tried: squash, carrots, banana, apples, pears, rice and avocado. Your messy faces are absolutely adorable!

-You love blowing raspberries and spraying everything with your spit...

-You've learned to make /m/ and /d/ sounds so we like to think you're saying "mama" and "dada" all the time. :)

-You play on your own for a looooong while! It's great to know you can entertain yourself, but I kinda miss how independent you've become at the same time. Although, you still love letting us play with you so I can't complain until you're a teenager! 

-Your favorite toy is coasters... I'm glad all the other toys you have were gifts and not bought with my money!

-Your first Easter was amazing! I love watching you experience our beautiful Church! Your awe and joy is utterly inspiring! 

-Your pincer grip is coming along slowly but surely! You always seem to be able to pick up the smallest pieces of lint, yet struggle to pick up peas on your own. Of course. 

Weight: about 21lbs
We didn't go to the doctors office once this month! Praise God for good health!


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