Here's a recap of month three:
You were sleeping for six hours a night... Were. Now you find it hard to sleep more than three hours straight but on most nights you stir every hour.
You were sleeping on your own in your bassinet or swing all night... Were. Now you refuse to be put down while you sleep.
As noted above, you've become a very light sleeper because of your growing curiosity and desire to soak every bit of this world in. It's great to see you so curious, but I know it's exhausting for you.
Your daddy and I have cried many times thinking we did something to mess you up. We've thought you were sick ten thousand times. And then we always realized that you're just a baby.
No matter how stressful our days or nights, you always seem to smile through it. Thus making us smile and realize how lucky we are to have these nights and days with you.
You have started putting all the things on earth in your mouth. Especially fingers. Any fingers will do.
Despite putting things in your mouth, you still can't quite replace your pacifier. I'm praying for that day to come.
You've become a master (supported) sitter. You love sitting up but can't get there without help. However, you are building quite the six pack under your tub-o-belly from all the crunches you do while trying to sit.
You've out grown your swaddle blankets so we bought you a boy one that's bigger. Sorry.
You started laughing at strangers in the grocery store. It's adorable but for some reason people think that means they can touch you now. NO!!!
You stayed awake for an entire Mass last week! And you did great!
We went to the zoo for the first time and second time this month. I think you like the elephants and giraffes best (because those are the few animals you were awake to see).
Your first thanksgiving was delicious. I hope you enjoyed all the yummy food I ate and transmitted to you. Especially your grandma MJs pumpkin pie!
It snowed for the first time in your post-womb-life. You hated it. I did too.
We completed a whole month in cloth diapers! We still use disposables at night (because you sleep horribly...) and when we leave the house for more than a few hours, but hopefully soon we will be exclusively cloth! I love your cute bum in them!
We haven't had a doctors appointment in a month but I weighed you and you're close to 16 pounds... Yup. That's a whole lot of chunk! You eat every 3-4 hours during the day for only about 5-10 minutes, so I don't know where you're getting the fat from.
I assume you've grown height wise too. Of course. You're just huge. And I love it.
Some of my favorite photos:
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