Truthfully, I'm making this list because, since becoming a mother, I've felt a little unorganized and (let's be honest here) lazy. Finding purpose in my day to day life is difficult. When I lay my head down every night and I realize I didn't change out of my pajamas or brush my hair, I feel a little useless. I know I work my behind off all day taking care of Cana, but I think every stay at home mother understands that you need a little something else to make you feel like you're a productive member of society (like perhaps actually going out into society for once). Being a mother is rewarding and such a blessing, but holding a baby while watching the Kardashians for hours a day (don't you dare judge me... We all have lows!) doesn't fulfill me. And it shouldn't! So in 2015, I'm making it a point to use my motherhood in a purposeful way. And make sure I find myself laying my head down each night feeling joyful, tired and full. Not lazy, tired and bored.
So here is my list of resolutions:
I WILL NOT turn on the TV during Cana's first nap of the day. Instead I will pray and read some of the many books we have on our shelves.
I will stop comparing my mothering to the Pinterest articles and mom bloggers idea of mothering.
I will stop comparing my baby to the text book perfect baby everyone thinks you can force babies to be. It can't happen. It won't happen. It shouldn't happen.
I will aim to let my husband do more when it comes to parenting, and not stand over his shoulder while he's doing it. He knows how to be a daddy, and he does an amazing job of doing it.
I will take Cana for a walk at least every other day and try to play with her outside more often.
I will take Cana to daily Mass on Wednesdays.
I will take time once a month to go out without Cana and Frankie. I'll do something for myself, hangout with friends or just go for a walk. I need to allow myself to be alone and not feel guilty for it.
I will (try) to help my daughter sleep better on her own. But I also need to understand that it might take some time... She's little and is learning. Give her time, mama.
I will make more of an effort to pray with my husband at dinner each night. It's so easy to forget prayer and to just complain about our days. That only leads to more stress. Prayer needs to come first!
I will make time for my husband and I to get away and talk. And I won't stress or talk about Cana. He needs his wife, not just the mother of his child.
There it is. The first resolution list I've ever made. It feels daunting, but very practical. And I know it will leave me feeling more purposeful at the end of each day.
Saint Therese, pray for me!