Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Benedict James. Month 1.

Benedict James. Month 1.
Its only been one month and yet it is already hard to imagine life without you, sweet boy. You've changed our family for the better in such a short time. I can't wait to see how you continue to change the world. 

Here are some highlights of your first month:

-You shocked us from day one by being so chill compared to Cana as a newborn. 
-You love looking around and taking in the world with your big blues.
-You allow us to put you down when you're sleeping and for that we thank you abundantly!
-You love to nurse and nurse and nurse and nurse. 
-Your rock n play is your favorite place to sleep.
-Cana loves to give you kisses and you tolerate them so well.
-You've blessed us with a few nights of really good sleep. 7 and a half hours is your record currently!
-Your baptism was so amazing! One of the most proud days of my life. 
-Cana really enjoys helping out with you. She's always willing to get you a diaper as long as she gets to see your poopy one first. haha
-You got your first ever passport! We can't wait to take you and Cana to Europe next month! 
-You have yet to have a bath, aside from a small sponge bath at the hospital.
-You love to suck on your hands and fingers.
-You use a paci sometimes, but usually spit it out once you're asleep. You much prefer to suck on fingers (yours or daddy's). 
-There are three things you hear over and over again each day from Cana: "Hi!" "Did you take a good nap?" and "I want to give him a fooch!" 
-Your smiles are the cutest I ever did see!
-Daddy really loves that you allow him to care for you just as much as mommy. He's really boned well with you!
-You met a lot of important people this month! Family and friends were so generous in bringing us meals and gifts for you! I think they just wanted an excuse to hold you though. haha
-You love to stare out windows and contemplate baby life. 
-You don't poop very often, which causes you to feel gassy and uncomfortable a lot, but I enjoy not changing diapers in the middle of the night!
-You have a touch of silent reflux.

Doctor Stats:
-Weight: 9lbs 13oz (49th%)
-Height: 23in (97th%)
-Dr. Anselmi says you're healthy and growing so well! You have awesome head control and your little heart and lungs sound clear and perfect. 

Favorite Photos from the Month:

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