Month Eleven: ~21lbs. Walking, loves books, says WOW!
Memories from this month:
-You're a great napper! Most days you take two 1.5 hour naps, but you can sometimes stay awake long enough to only need one nap.
-Your night time sleep is still rocky. Most of the time you only wake once, maybe twice to nurse! The best part is that you've learned to sleep in a bit! Usually you go to bed around 8 and wake up around 7:30/8am! Love it!
-You have become very picky about food and refuse to eat something unless it's packed with flavor. You'll eat fruit until you die, but veggies are rough unless they are covered in hummus. Your favorite food is still blueberries, but you also love rice cakes!
-You learned to WALK!!! You're still wobbly, but can take up to 7 or so steps before falling. Everyday you get better and better and attempt to walk more often than crawling!
-You gained three (and a half, one is almost through) new teeth this month! Like a champ! The only teething indication you gave us was one day with short naps. Other than that, I would have never known! Bravo!
-When you play, your favorite thing to do is stand up and lift your super heavy toys or buckets. Usually you fall over or drop the toy, but you never give up!
-Your favorite game is: knock down the block tower mama made.
-Aside from mama and daddy, your favorite person is Auntie Coley. You lunge into her arms the second you see her! I think she hates it.... ;)
-You're super talkative still and your vocabulary is growing! You make a puppy sound and say "wow"!
-When people clap or cheer you can't help but join in, even when you have no idea what everyone is excited about!
-You love pretending to talk on the phone. You pick up our phones or any similar sized object and hold it to your ear. It's especially hilarious to you when daddy pretends to talk on his phone to you!
-You do this adorable nose laugh thing when you're super excited. You just breathe really fast through your nose and kick your little legs like mad!
-We bought a minivan!!! You love how cool daddy looks driving it! Haha!
-You got your first stomach bug and it was miserable! Watching your throw up and struggle to keep food down was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Thankfully it only last two days!
-We celebrated our favorite not-a-real-holiday: Cow Appriciation Day! and introduced your taste buds to the wonders of Chick-fil-a! You're welcome!
-We are trying our hardest to teach you important things, but instead you just pick up on the funny stuff. For example: blowing raspberries, sticking your tongue out, patting your hand over your mouth and making that awesome Indian chief noise, etc. but we are working on signing please, more and all done!
No doctors visit this month, other than a quick check up when you had your stomach bug. You're still holding steady around 20 lbs but you're definitely getting taller every day. You're nursing every 3-5 hours still and your immune system thanks you. Otherwise, I'm sure you'd be constantly sick with the amount of gross things you put in your mouth everyday!
Photos from the month:
She is so cute! Her little laugh sounds adorable!