Thursday, May 7, 2015

Month 8

Three quarters of a year old! All month I've watched you in complete awe of how grown up you've become. It seems like over night you've become a little lady and I can start to imagine how you'll be in the years to comes. I don't like it, but I can't stop it either...
Eight Months: ~21lbs. Says "Dada." Copies sounds. Pincer grip. 

Here's a recap of month eight:

-You still crawl on your hands and feet, but when you have shoes in, you crawl on your knees reeeeeeally slowly. It's adorable how cautious you are about it!

-You're sleeping wonderfully! All of your sleep happens in your crib and there is little to no crying, EVER! You go to bed around 6:30pm, eat around 3am, and then you wake up around 6-7am. Sometimes you wake up at 4:30 or 5 and it drives me nuts, but we leave you to whine a bit and typically you go back to sleep. Your morning nap is about 30mins, second nap is 45min to an hour and your afternoon nap is an hour to an hour and a half! Getting better!

-the only exception to the statement above is the last two nights. I think you're in a growth spurt, sleep regression, getting a tooth or all of the above. Hopefully it doesn't last too long because your mama doesn't enjoy waking up every hour!!!

-You're getting good at copying sounds we make. Your favorite is the fart sound and smacking your lips. You also love saying "dada dada" and when you're crying and all worked up is when you love saying "mama mama." I don't think you are referring to us as mama and dada yet, but you're getting there!

-We are practicing sharing! If I extend my hand and say, "Can mama have it?" You put a toy in my hand. Then we go back and forth for a bit. It's such a fun game and you get so happy when you share!

-The sweetest thing ever, is when you are done nursing and holding your Ellie (paci with elephant attached to it), you hold it up to my mouth and try to get me to suck on it. When I do you laugh like crazy!  

-Your favorite toy is a yellow smiley face ball that rattles. You will dig through your toy bin, taking everything out until you find your ball. Then you shake it around and wave your arms with joy! 

-You're obsessed with mango! You'll devour an entire serving in no time flat!

-You tend to like chunks of food better than purées.

-We are teaching you that spitting your food out when you're done eating is NOT how we say "all done!" When you spit, I pick up your food and walk away from you in your chair. You get mad and cry, but when I come back you know not to spit again! Smart girl!

-When you stand up you like to take steps side to side and you've started standing up on your toy bin and pushing it in front of you! You'll only take about three or four steps before stopping. We got you a car to walk behind and you don't show much interest in it yet, but when you do, you walk on your knees behind it! Wacko!

-When you crawl under the dining table you always seem to find the path that seems the tightest. You can't just crawl under the wide open table, you must crawl between the chair legs and the wall, where you most surely will get stuck!

-I've noticed that you tend to be more outgoing here at home, with just your daddy and me, than you are when we are around other people. You're definitely not shy, because you smile at everyone in the store, but you're definitely more comfortable and open with us. I love  that you feel so safe with us!

-You have officially developed the pincer grip and can (will) pick up every piece of dirt or lint you can find. No matter how much I vacuum, you seem to find something new to pick up when I turn my back!

-We've baby proofed as best as we can, but you still find ways to cause trouble. Mainly, pulling out the electrical outlet safely plugs... You clearly have a death wish!

-You've always loved books, but lately you've become more interested in actually looking at the pages and rotating the books instead of putting it in your mouth. You're very good at opening the cover and turning pages on your board books. Your godmother is so proud!

-You enjoy giving kisses. And by kisses, I mean opening your mouth and sucking on my cheeks and chin while laughing. It's moist.

-Your hair is getting thicker, but it's still short in most places. However, you're getting a bit of a curl!!!

-You loathe diaper changes and getting dressed. I often have to distract you with a tooth brush to get you to lay still.

-You spend most of your play time under the dining table (getting stuck) or looking out of the windows. Toys are for babies, and clearly you think you're better than that!

-We went swimming for the first time with you and you loved it! I figured you would since bath time is your favorite activity.

-You act like you're in baby prison when I'm in the kitchen and you're stuck on the other side of the baby gate. 

-You're starting to get jealous when adults are eating food and you aren't. But usually giving you a few little bites of our food satisfies you. 

-You are quite the little inspector these days. You examine everything very closely before deciding to play with it or toss it aside. You're also beginning to understand similarities in things. You know that books are books and balls are balls, despite looking different. Smarty! 

We didn't go to the doctor this month, despite you having a stuffy/running nose for almost the entire month! You took the snot sucker like a champ though! 
I am happy to report that this is your first month of life where you haven't gained ANY weight!!! You're still steady at 21 pounds. Everyone is commenting on how much you're sliming down and how tall you're getting. I think all the crawling and standing is proving to be a wonderful workout for ya!

Photos from Month Eight:

Monday, May 4, 2015

It's Never Too Early!

When I started college, I was majoring in History and wanted to teach high school. After the first semester of my junior year, I switched my major to Sociology (with a double minor in History and Religious Studies) and wanted to do social work. After I graduated, what did I do? That's right, I became a preschool teacher!

Teaching preschool for just two years taught me so much, and although I miss it dearly, I hope to never go back. Why? Because my husband and I hope to homeschool our children. I could go into a huge ramble about why we are hoping to homeschool, but I think I'll save that for another rainy day. Sorry to put you on the edge of your seats! :)

Throughout my college career, I took many classes on the sociology of parenting, families and education (especially early childhood education). When I started teaching, I was blessed with some great opportunities to learn even more about early childhood development and education and I fell in love. With my students and with early learning.

I fell in love with the simplicity of early learning and wish every parent had a basic knowledge of how to incorporate it into their day to day routine with their children. If that happened, how much more prepared would our kindergarteners be?!

Some people might think I'm crazy, but from day one, I have interacted with Cana in a very intentional way. 
I talk to her about everything I do. 
I name letters, colors and shapes when we play with toys. 
I read to her and talk about handling books (turning pages, being gentle, following the line of print).
The games we play involve learning actual skills like sharing, talking, reading, walking, listening, following directions, etc.

And I avoid electronic toys like the plegue because they take away imagination and do everything for her; kids learn nothing from electronics but repetition. 

The biggest thing I try to remind myself, is that nothing is ever too early for Cana to learn. There is no timeline that a child should follow when it comes to learning a new skill or idea. If that were the case, Cana shouldn't have rolled, sat, crawled, "talked", push-walked, or grabbed when she did. And she definitely should have slept through the night waaaaay before she actually did (I would have been okwith  that though!). So when it comes to my interactions with my daughter, I act like she understands everything I do and say. Even if it's years before she might actually get it. 

It's definitely surprising how much Cana can do when I just give her the chance to prove the developmental timelines wrong! Take this video for example! I had no idea my 7 month old would understand the concept of turn taking, but with a lot of playing (practice) she's starting to get it! She will give me her ball, toy or paci to play with if I show interest in it and say, "Can mama try?" 

Parenting is a wonderful learning opportunity!