So, I'm definitely new to this here blog thing, but I'm not new to reading them! Over the years I've created a vast library of amazing blogs on bloglovin. Many have thousands of followers, some just a few (like me). But through reading them, I've learned about and have been inspired by some amazing women!
One of those women is Carrie! She's an amazing friend and missionary! I was blessed to serve with her a few years ago at Camp Tepeyac for the summer (also where I met Frankie!). She writes over at Surrendering for Greatness, as well as! She has an amazing faith and shares it so well!
Carrie was so kind to nominate me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award (thank you)!!! The rules of this award are as follows: Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site, put the award logo on your blog, answer the ten questions sent to you, make a list of ten questions for your nominees, and nominate seven blogs.
Simple enough!
10 Questions posed to me:
1) What book have you recently read that inspired you?
I don't read much, but a friend of mine let me borrow Women of Opis Dei and it's amazing! Such an easy read! I loved reading the stories of how real women live out their call to holiness in their everyday life.
2) In five years, what kind of woman do you hope to be?
A holy one. With a lot of patience. Lord have mercy!
3) In three sentences, what advice would you give the young women of the world?
Trust in Gods plan. He will always provide for you. You are worth more than you think.
4) What dream are you working to make come true?
Succeeding at being a stay at home mom. It's so difficult. But so worth it. I just hope I can do it as well as I'm called to!
5) What’s your favorite ice cream?
Well, Cana isn't fond of dairy in her breastmilk, so I lay off. But Americone Dream by my friends Ben and Jerry is like Heaven in a bowl.
6) What is the most interesting fact you learned this week?
Cleopatra was born closer to the invention of the iPhone than she was to the building of the Great Pyramids! Wow!
7) Why do you blog?
Pride? Haha No no... Honestly, I blog because writing has always been something I've enjoyed. As a stay at home mom, I find myself wanting to have conversations throughout the day about random things on my mind and heart, but Cana gets bored of my talking. So I figured, maybe someone on the internet would like to know what I think about this and that! Turns out, not many people do. But it's an amazing outlet.
8) What challenge do you want to face this year? (This could be a personal challenge, a global challenge, a work-related challenge…)
Sleep training. And as if that isn't bold enough, working out regularly. Man, my bar is high!
9) What’s your most-used kitchen gadget?
Our knife block. Is that a gadget? Regardless, we make a lot of pico and that requires all the chopping in the world.
10) What is your favorite Bible verse? Why? (Or if you’re not a Bible person, what’s your favorite inspirational quote?)
Romans 12. The chapter is what made me give my first 'yes' to Christ and almost 9 years later, it still inspires me to follow Christ on the daily!
I follow so many blogs, but there's something special about the lesser known blogs on the internet. Some of my favorites are:
Now it's your turn ladies! Answer these 10 questions and nominate your 7 favorite blogs (not me lol)
1) Who is your favorite biblical star (aside from Jesus, that's obvious)?
2) what's the best advice you've ever received?
3) Tell us a joke.
4) What's your favorite topic to blog about or read on other blogs?
5) What's one skill you wish you had, but sadly lack?
6) Who is the most inspiring woman in your life and why?
7) Why do you blog?
8) Where do you want to travel but haven't had the chance yet?
9) What is one thing you wish all men in our world would understand?
10) What do you hope to accomplish in the next year?