Here's the adventures of month ten:
-We spent most of the month in Arizona visiting your grandparents. It was a blast, but very hot. Thankfully we got to spend a lot of time swimming in the pool, visiting splash pads and other fun places around Phoenix.
-You're taking two 1.5 hour naps a day and sleep from about 7:30pm to about 6:30am. Being in Arizona, in a strange place, you've been waking up a few times each night though... I'm determined to cut out your night wakings this month. Wishful thinking, I'm sure!
-You're a climber through and through. Every box or step or person or baby gate is something for you to climb. I'm proud but terrified of your bravery!
-You learned how to stand up unassisted for a few seconds at a time!!! You prefer holding on to something or squatting down to sit though...
-Before leaving for Arizona we visited the Denver Children's museum with some friends. You loved looking at all the big kids and chewing on the orange balls.
-The things you "say" are hilarious. You talk almost non-stop and you are loud about it! You can form all sorts of sounds and do this weird tongue roll sound. I know you're going to be quite the talker in a few months.
-You're really good at copying sounds you hear. They don't always sound similar, but at least you try!
-You say "mama" and "dada" pretty regularly to us and know the "all done" sign.
-You love to click with your tongue when you hear any sound that sounds even remotely close to it.
-Your appetite is that of a teenage boy these days. You can down an entire banana, bowl of berries and handful of Cheerios in no time flat. Your favorite food is probably blueberries still, but you have taken a liking to meat as well! Especially carne asada. So good!
-You're a shoe wearing kid these days! With all your crawling and assisted walking, shoes are a must when we are out of the house. There's nothing cuter than chubby baby feet in tiny shoes.
-You're great at walking along furniture, but you really get fast when pushing chairs around the kitchen, or your music table across the room! You're also able to walk pretty well while only holding on to one of my hands. Perhaps you'll walk before you're one?!
-You adore swimming in the pool, but don't enjoy water in your face these days.
-You're learning to throw balls when someone is playing with you. You love seeing them roll and chasing them around the room.
-Throwing balls also means you're learning to throw food. You usually just swat at the food on your tray until it falls on the floor... No bueno.
-I can't decide, but you might be learning to blow kisses. And by blow, I mean hold your hand up to your mouth briefly when someone blows you a kiss.
-You flew for the third time in your life and slept the whole way! Praise God!
-You love being chased by us down the long hallway. You run-crawl a bit then stop and look behind you, then start run-crawling again once you see we are still coming for you. So precious!
-For some horrible reason, you've started hating the car seat... You refuse to sit peacefully in it unless you can hold my hand.
-Mass is starting to get a little more difficult with you because of your love of moving and talking. However, you still enjoy the beauty of the Mass and remind me constantly to have child like joy, especially in Mass!
-Your hair is finally long enough to show a bit of a curl! You have the cutest little wings coming over your ears and when you sweat in your car seat, the whole back of your head gets curly. The sun has also tinted your hair a bit more red, which still is so weird to me.
We made it through another month with no visits to the doctor and no illnesses of any kind! I'm guessing your weight is probably around 21lbs still and you've probably gotten a bit taller, but overall you don't look too much bigger. You haven't gotten any other teeth yet, but I know there is some movement going on in there. Loads of drooling and a few days of cranky Cana... Hopefully those teeth pop in soon!
Photos from the month: